The iPhone 15 collection was launched in India in September 2023 and the bottom The iPhone 15 begins at Rs. 69,900 for the 128GB possibility. During the continuing Amazon Great Republic Day Sale 2025 sale, the cellphone could be purchased for as little as Rs. 57,499. It is powered by Apple’s A16 Bionic chipset and comes with a 48-megapixel major digital camera sensor on the again. There are affords on iPhone 16, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 13, and different fashions a part of Apple’s lineup too.
In addition to cost cuts, shoppers can avail of extra advantages like coupon reductions, change affords or financial institution advantages to decrease the efficient sale worth of the product in the course of the Amazon sale. The e-commerce large is providing a ten p.c immediate low cost as much as Rs. 14,000 on SBI card transactions. Those eager to commerce of their outdated gadgets can make the most of as much as Rs. 45,000 change worth, relying on the handset mannequin and situation. Other affords embody coupons of as much as Rs. 20,000, no-cost EMI choices, and as much as 5 p.c cashback on Amazon Pay ICICI Bank bank cards.
Amazon Sale: Best Deals on iPhone 16, iPhone 15 and Other Models
Product Name | List Price | Effective Sale Price | Amazon Link |
iPhone 16 Pro Max | Rs. 1,44,900 | Rs. 1,37,900 | Buy Now |
iPhone 16 Pro | Rs. 1,19,900 | Rs. 1,12,900 | Buy Now |
iPhone 16 Plus | Rs. 89,900 | Rs. 84,900 | Buy Now |
iPhone 16 | Rs. 79,900 | Rs. 74,900 | Buy Now |
iPhone 15 Pro Max | Rs. 1,59,900 | Rs. 1,28,900 | Buy Now |
iPhone 15 Pro (512GB) | Rs. 1,64,900 | Rs. 1,39,900 | Buy Now |
iPhone 15 Plus | Rs. 79,900 | Rs. 69,900 | Buy Now |
iPhone 15 | Rs. 69,900 | Rs. 57,499 | Buy Now |
iPhone 13 | Rs. 59,900 | Rs. 43,499 | Buy Now |