At the Gaurav Gupta present, the rapper wore a futuristic chainmail costume with an identical head piece and reverse stiletto nails. Created by nail artist Tahvya Krok, proprietor of Nailed by Tav in South Pasadena, California, the look options color-shifting silver nail polish with a reflective cat-eye end and pointy stiletto form. But for a daring twist, the rapper’s ideas are inverted, creating an optical phantasm that calls to thoughts webbed fingers or lengthy talons. Jury’s out on how precisely to explain this manicure, however both method, we won’t cease staring.
The rapper saved the remainder of her glam minimal, with impartial eyes and lips and a slicked again bun. Her manicure is unquestionably the star of the present—and for good motive.
Sharing the look on Instagram, Krok merely wrote: “🪙⛓️ relic reversal ⛓️🪙”