The Chinese smartphone model confirmed that it’s going to launch the Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro in India on December 12 at 12:00pm. Vivo has highlighted the digital camera efficiency of the telephones in its advertising materials, touting Zeiss-branded lenses. The firm claims the X200 Pro will sport “India’s first 200-megapixel Zeiss APO telephoto digital camera.”
Vivo X200 Series Specifications
Vivo India and Amazon are teasing the arrival of Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro via a devoted touchdown web page on their web sites. The telephones are confirmed to ship with MediaTek Dimensity 9400 SoC and Zeiss-branded cameras. They will characteristic Android 15-based Funtouch OS 15. The Pro mannequin shall be launched in Cosmos Black and Titanium Grey colourways, whereas the vanilla mannequin shall be launched in Cosmos Black and Natural Green shades.
The Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro will pack 5,800mAh and 6,000mAh batteries, respectively. The latter will boast a V3+ imaging chip and a 200-megapixel Zeiss APO telephoto digital camera.
The Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro have been launched in China in October alongside the Vivo X200 Mini. The Mini mannequin is predicted to stay unique to the Chinese market. The vanilla mannequin got here with an preliminary price ticket of CNY 4,300 (roughly Rs. 51,000) for the bottom 12GB RAM + 256GB storage configuration. The Vivo X200 Pro begins at CNY 5,999 (roughly Rs. 63,000) for a similar RAM and storage trim. They provide 90W wired charging and help and have 32-megapixel entrance cameras. They run on Android 15-based Origin OS 5.