Official Trailer and Plot of 211
The story of 211 is impressed by the notorious North Hollywood financial institution theft of 1997. The narrative follows veteran police officer Mike Chandler, portrayed by Nicolas Cage, as he and his associate, Steve MacAvoy, encounter an surprising and harmful state of affairs throughout a routine patrol. The two discover themselves on the centre of a violent financial institution heist orchestrated by ex-military personnel. The movie captures their battle to guard civilians and regain management amidst the chaos.
Cast and Crew of 211
In addition to Nicolas Cage, the forged consists of Dwayne Cameron as Officer MacAvoy, Alexandra Dinu as a key character, Michael Rainey Jr., Sophie Skelton, and Ori Pfeffer. The movie is helmed by York Shackleton, who blends real-life inspiration with cinematic drama to ship an intense viewing expertise.
Reception of 211
Since its theatrical launch in 2018, 211 has garnered blended reactions. On IMDb, the movie holds a score of 4.3 / 10, reflecting different viewers opinions. While praised for its motion sequences and Cage’s efficiency, some critics famous room for enchancment in its storytelling.